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How A Company Mastered Local and International Vendor and Materials Management With Fohlio

Product Data
Project Types
Hotels, Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Upright housing
Team size
1-10 Employees
1-10 Employees
Hospitality Design
Use Cases

Product Management

Vendor Management

At a Glance

What They Needed Help With:


  • Had to manage vendors locally and internationally.
  • Track orders and lead times.
  • Manage different levels of approval.
  • Budgeting and finance needed to be calculated in different currencies and different tax rates.


  • Sorting out specifications by type of element.
  • Spent too much time repeatedly creating a room matrix.
  • Warehouse management for furniture.

Fohlio’s Solutions:

  • Specification features
  • Automated report builders
  • Procurement tracking systems

How They're Doing Now:

  • Flexible views allow the company to view data however they need to.
  • Procurement and design information are both in one platform to avoid silos.
  • Less time is spent on repetitive work like report building.
  • Easily track orders and give accurate estimates for lead times.
  • Sort materials according to how they are sourced.
  • Keep a list of all suppliers and manufacturers in the software for future project use, or for the purpose of simple referencing.

A Design Studio That Specializes In Sculptural Hospitality Architecture and Spaces

This company is an award-winning studio that specializes in creating out-of-this-world spaces that use materials local to the sites they build upon. Their projects mostly consist of hotels and resorts located around Mexico.

A Perfect Example Of Materials Management and Procurement

Procurement was the main concern for this company. As mentioned earlier, this company likes to use local materials and incorporate them into their projects, but they’ve also got vendors from around the world, from whom they get supplies for special materials. What that means is, they have a mix of both local and international vendors they need to manage. Lead times, order statuses, as well as budgeting that can be calculated in different currencies, were tools that they needed to make their procurement more efficient.  

The company also needed a way to sort out their materials according to types, like ceramics, metals, plastics, or special finishes, and needed to create a standardized room matrix for all the types of rooms that they were designing.

Flexibility Is Key

Fohlio’s flexible specification features and customizable data fields helped B-Huber organize all their information into the software. They could easily manipulate and edit the views and filter settings in order for them to be able to see the information they needed in the way they wanted to view it. Whether this is by material, or class, or workflow phase -- it didn’t matter. These same specification features helped them standardize their templates, reports as well as workflows meaning they were able to save a lot of time because every one of those things has already been automated for the company.

Same goes for procurement: Their team can easily view order statuses, budgets, and manufacturing and supplier information. They can also do most of the procurement activities within Fohlio like creating purchase orders, and tracking approvals from stakeholders.