Log your shipment’s actual arrival date and how much you actually received, manage multiple supplier invoices, and more.
Shipments don’t always come in one neat package. With Fohlio’s purchase order enhancement Phase 3, it’s easier to stay on top of multiple deliveries. You can now:
1, Log your order’s actual shipment date, actual received date, and how much of each item you actually received.
You no longer have to rely on when a certain order is “supposed to” arrive or how much you’re “supposed to” receive. Now, you can be more confident about knowing exactly what you have on hand and only paying for items that actually made their way to you.
Previously-received items will also be automatically synced when you add newly received items.
2, Compare forecasted shipment information against actual data.
Fohlio’s new shipment columns automatically sync from you POs — so you always know whether a delivery is late, if you have more items arriving, and where shipments are supposed to be delivered.
3, Sync multiple supplier invoices with every purchase order.
Suppliers don’t always send one single invoice for your entire order — which is great, because it gives you the flexibility to only pay for what you actually received.
Happy creating!
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- Prepare for asset valuation
Published Jul 12, 2020