Staying within budget is now easier than ever.
Split your budget amongst the areas and categories of your project, prioritize spending, and stay within estimates more easily.
With Fohlio’s new cost estimation and budgeting feature, you can now:
1-a, Prioritize spending on specific areas over others (and reallocate if necessary).
Make sure funds go where they’re necessary: Spend more on the client-facing concierge desk vs. luggage storage, for example.
1-b, Allocate budgets among different divisions or cost codes.
2, See how much funds you have left before spending.
Total costs will turn red if you’re over budget. Avoid having to:
- Go back to your customer for more money after accidentally overspending.
- Exchange over-budget items for less expensive alternatives.
- Pause the project while waiting for additional funding.
3, Budget any funding types and compare against different cost types.
Manage your customer’s maximum spend versus item costs to make sure they don’t go over budget, or track your firm’s cash outlay versus total client costs in order to maximize profit.
Happy creating!
The cost analysis/budgeting feature is currently in beta and available to all users. Explore this feature and others by consulting with one of our account managers.
Expore Fohlio
Learn how to:
- Save days of work with faster specification
- Create firm-wide design standards
- Automate and centralize procurement
- Keep your whole team on the same Page
- Manage product data
- Track budget against cost in real time.
- Prepare for asset valuation
Published Jul 20, 2020