Get in touch with a product specialist today to explore these features, or learn more about automating procurement at scale.
We’ve updated Fohlio to make it easier to customize workflows and procurement processes. You can now:
1 – Create dedicated workspaces.
Help team members focus on what’s important to them, or allow teams in different regions to localize their workflows. All this while keeping every bit of data within the same platform.
2 – Organize items in client invoices, proposals, and purchase orders.
Besides your dashboard, products can now be grouped by area and division in procurement documents as well.
3 – Use up to two tax rates.
Include an additional tax rate for all or individual products.
4 – Automatically attach documents to proposals and invoices.
Get in touch with a product specialist today to explore these features, or learn more about automating procurement at scale.
Happy creating!
Also published on Medium.
Expore Fohlio
Learn how to:
- Save days of work with faster specification
- Create firm-wide design standards
- Automate and centralize procurement
- Keep your whole team on the same Page
- Manage product data
- Track budget against cost in real time.
- Prepare for asset valuation
Published Aug 11, 2021