Tech is the new sexy: Every year brings about thousands of new startups that are (probably) going to change our lives forever. We in the design-build business are particularly excited about some releases, so we’ve picked out what we think are the top 6 architecture and interior design startups of the year. These will help you create designs with significantly less stress and more comfort in 2017 and beyond.
1. Fohlio
Website: http://www.fohlio.com
Fohlio‘s web clipper plugin is a total game changer for specifying products for your projects. The plugin allows you to seamlessly grab all of the info you need from the supplier or manufacturer’s webpage: product images, specification info and details, and documents organizing them together into a design schedule or mood board.
Additionally, Fohlio offers a customizable presentation creation. You can create different types of presentation files and purchase order with simple clicks. With Fohlio you will significantly reduce the time you spend on those tedious design documentations and presentation materials, allowing you to focus on the real design work.
2. Parade Staffing
Website: http://www.paradeinc.com
A good worker is hard to find, and this is especially true in the design & architecture industry. That’s why Parade Staffing company decided to improve the situation and create a platform where talents and employers could finally meet each other.
Designed for New York City market, it provides a great overview of open job opportunities in the city accompanied by detailed descriptions and all sorts of filters. The platform’s creators are proud of 15+ years of experience and 15,000+ contacts in their network, which makes the chance to find a job with the help of Parade Staffing even more promising.
3. Seen on Set
Have you ever watched a movie and all your focus was on something else in the background, like a lamp, perhaps? Well, a new startup called ‘Seen on Set,’ showcases the products from the movies and lets you easily purchase them. As far as interior design startups go, this is one of the coolest and most useful.
Getting closer to Hollywood has never been easier, so next time you are desperately looking for a couch from Batman’s cave or the chair Meryl Streep was sitting on in Devil Wears Prada, don’t forget to check out Seen on Set.
4. UpCodes
Website: https://up.codes
Being a designer is not only about color, composition, and creating convenient and visually attractive spaces. Sadly, it’s also about conforming with a large amount of building codes, which is nobody’s favorite area.
This is where UpCodes comes in, saving you from headache. Books, pdfs, and online resources are now consolidated into one database allowing you to search via keywords or phrases. This is the most streamlined way of navigating the building codes and regulations. Additionally, UpCodes allows project pinning, collaborative research, discussion space, and many other nice features.
5. Treniq
Website: www.treniq.com
Treniq is a brand new B2B marketplace, which would give an easy access to a wide range of luxury products. It features furniture, lighting and decor items and offers as well as provides personal discounts to a number of collections.
Being a trusted community for professional buyers, Treniq is where style meets accessibility. It showcases latest design trends and let one immediately purchase products that will help these designs come true.
6. Mindesk
Website: www.mindeskvr.com
Virtual reality is becoming a huge trend in the interior design industry. And Mindesk lets this trend to become reality not only for huge enterprises but also for smaller companies and even freelancers.
Thanks to add-on CAD software and a real-time collaborative cloud workspace, you will be able to bring your 3D projects to live and give your customers totally new experience in imagining how their new house or office will look like. Currently, Mindesk supports McNeel Rhinocero 5 and HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
2017 will be full of great interior design startups. Which one did you like the most? Share with us in the comments.
Expore Fohlio
Learn how to:
- Save days of work with faster specification
- Create firm-wide design standards
- Automate and centralize procurement
- Keep your whole team on the same Page
- Manage product data
- Track budget against cost in real time.
- Prepare for asset valuation
Published Feb 21, 2017