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Find The Best Deal with Alternative Suppliers Now Live + Extended Pricing


Alternate Suppliers in Library Now Available 

Last month, we introduced the option to add Alternate Suppliers to the Product Library, allowing you to store pricing and lead time agreements for your key supplier relationships. This feature is now available to all accounts!

We've also streamlined the setup process, making it possible to configure everything in seconds using the new "Latest Updates" tab. This enhancement will help you:

  • Reduce the time required to keep product pricing accurate and consistent across projects.
  • Easily manage a backlog of new suppliers, prices, and lead times that can be pulled directly into your library.
  • Quickly accept or dismiss updates, with options to filter by projects and more.

Take advantage of these new features to optimize your supplier management and keep your project costs under control.


Quarterly/Annual Pricing Updates

When suppliers update their pricing, you can quickly review and push the new rates across all relevant projects. Stay on top of the latest costs without tedious manual updates.

alternative suppliers, supplier management portal

Here’s a quick reminder of what you get!


Centralized Supplier Pricing Data

Keep all your supplier pricing information in a single, centralized library. Eliminate the hassle of managing scattered pricing lists and outdated records. With everything organized in one place, you can easily access, manage, and update supplier pricing data whenever needed.


Seamless Project Integration

With just a few clicks, bring your preferred supplier pricing into any project. Pricing data flows seamlessly from the library to streamline your estimates and sourcing decisions.


Compare Supplier Options

Easily compare pricing, lead times, and other key metrics across multiple suppliers for each product. Make informed decisions to optimize costs and timelines for every order.

Receive update notifications on projects 

Get informed when new prices and lead times become available and are updated in the library, review and elect to update or reject on your project items

alternative suppliers, product specification, supplier management portal


Bulk upload / Import of Library Items and Contacts!

We’ve launched a new CSV Upload Tool designed for a seamless bulk upload experience of library items and contacts from CSV and Excel files. Simply drag and drop your files, and start mapping your columns. The tool automatically validates and maps columns to ensure data accuracy and supports error handling by highlighting any issues for quick resolution. This makes importing and updating bulk data easier and more efficient than ever.


More Options on Procurement Templates 

Following the release of procurement templates, we have introduced new functionality to enhance your experience. You can now Attach files and Notes when creating a template, allowing for better documentation and organization. Additionally, a new section has been added, enabling you to select a specific Client for the template, which is especially useful for projects involving multiple clients.


Comments Notifications & Visual Updates

Increasing the quality of collaboration on projects! The first in a series of updates over the coming quarters, not only did we give comments a reskin, but now;

  • View all comments for project
  • Clear indicators of new comments
  • Navigate direct to items with comments
  • Highlight unread for project & items / maintaining unread option


Minor changes

  • New message for first time External Users visiting the project sheet
  • Removed category selector when adding items from the project or existing project
  • Default adding the Supplier account number onto PO’s
  • Bulk upload documents to multiple items
  • Separated Project # and Project Name columns in Cross-project reports


Extended Customizations for Advanced Data Sheets

We have added a few enhancements to the Advanced data sheets report that helps customizing your report, and improving item and component image visibility

  • Formatting; Logo size & position
  • Index pages selection of any column & order
  • Showing additional images
  • Component multiple images & Product Category
  • Links to attachments


Expore Fohlio

Learn how to:

  • Save days of work with faster specification
  • Create firm-wide design standards
  • Automate and centralize procurement
  • Keep your whole team on the same Page
  • Manage product data
  • Track budget against cost in real time.
  • Prepare for asset valuation
Know more

Published Oct 12, 2024